Tuesday 18 April 2017


This blog was developed as part of my assesment for the final examination. However, I see this as an excellent knowledge sharing opportunity for anyone interested in pedagogy. But first, we must know what is pedagogy. To let you know better, I have provided a video from YouTube for further explanation. Enjoy!

Flipping the classroom is an innovative teaching method that encourages students' active learning through accessing instructional contents outside the classroom and focusing the class time for practice, reinforcement, and review of the core contents.

Our learning approach is proven to have developed the best practices to enhance the student experience and improve teaching and learning both on campus and online.

Common pedagogical approaches and concepts used in blended and flexible learning are:

1. Student-centred learning: this is the methods of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student.

2. Authentic learning: is a style of learning that encourages students to create a tangible, useful product to be shared with their world.

3. Situational learning: Situated learning essentially is a matter of creating meaning from the real activities of daily living. it suggests that learning takes place through the relationships between people and connecting prior knowledge with authentic, informal, and often unintended contextual learning.

4 .Experiential learning (incl. multiple intelligences) : This is the form of learning that has proven to enhance learning in a broad spectrum of students. The learning styles include visual-spatial, bodily kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual, sound, printed word, motion, colour, realia, instructional setting, learner characteristic, reading ability, performance, etc.

5. Networked learning: this a process of developing and maintaining connections with people and information, and communicating in such a way so as to support one another's learning.

6. Reflective practice: this practice is a way of studying your own experiences to improve the way you work. It is very useful for health professionals who want to carry on learning throughout their lives. The act of reflection is a great way to increase confidence and become a more proactive and qualified professional.

7.  Alternative assessments (e.g. portfolios): In education, alternative assessment or portfolio assessment is in direct contrast to what is known as performance evaluation, traditional assessment, standardized assessment or summative assessment.


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