Wednesday 19 April 2017

Thank you guys!

A very special thanks to my lecturer, Mr. Yusuf Adiwijaya for his encouragement and helps throughout completing this blog. My greatest gratitude I dedicated towards my classmates (Bro Mad, Bro Dihar, Bro Seb, Sis Ira, Sis Fini and Sis Elfa) who had mustered everything they have in helping me to write this Pedagogy in Education blog. And a big praise to myself since this is actually my first time blogging despite my exposure to the Internet many many years ago. Like they say, there will always be a first time for everything, right?

So with this last post, hopefully I have provided sufficient knowledge and information regarding Pedagogy. If you have further inquiry or requires extensive explanation, you may leave it at the comment below and I will get at it as fast as I possibly can. Till then, feel free to navigate through my blog and leave a comment or two if you were feeling generous! :p

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